Reentry Success Stories

Riverside House Client Is Grateful For God’s Grace

By May 24, 2023 No Comments

I am so grateful for what God has allowed me to experience. I truly believe that “all” things are working for my good. When I look back on all my hardships and failures, I can see God’s hand on my life.

He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death. – Psalm 72:13

This verse describes the mercy God had on my life. I feel this way because there was a time when I felt strong doing things from my own power and will, but I was actually weak. Without God I was in my weakest stage of living. Thank God that he saved me from death. He saved me when I was spiritually dead.

As a child, God had gifted me with the gift of singing and public speaking. Growing up in church both gifts were nourished, but lacked the power of the Holy Spirit. So, I would just be performing Sunday after Sunday. Going to church was more like a habit instead of a place of worship. As I aged, the lack of spiritual discipline caused a separation from God. The more distance that I allowed between God and me, the more Satan unveiled his will for my life, which was pure destruction.

I was in more than two near-death experiences. One was when I was ejected out of a car during a bad accident. I was unconscious for hours. But God. Then, I was shot with my son in my hands. But God. I was shot at again and as I slipped I heard the bullets fly passed my head. The last issue was when I was incarcerated and my co-defendant told about a case that could’ve landed me in jail for life. But God!

As it is written: “For your sake, we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” – Romans 8:36

I thought that once I gave my life fully, and truly to Christ, things would appear better, but that’s when things got real. In 2015, I dedicated my life to God. That’s when I had to line up my actions to my beliefs. That’s when Satan came harder. Through family and friends, I received some of the hardest tests. I kept my eyes on His word, and my heart on His Purpose for my life. As I drew closer to God, those gifts that I neglected as a child began to stir up inside me. God gave me the gift of playing instruments. The more I gave God, the more He gave me. On top of gifts, He gave me the desire to want more of Him.

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. – James 1:21

After all God has brought me through, I look forward to where He is taking me to. I’m a humbly proud author of a Christian urban novel titled, “By Grace Through Faith” available on Amazon. God has also given me lyrics to over forty songs that will be used to edify his kingdom. So that’s why I can say I am grateful for what God has allowed me to experience. I am sure that God can because He has done it over and over again. Amen!

At Riverside House, we guide men and women convicted of crime into becoming productive citizens through a nondenominational, faith-based approach. If you are in need of support, please call 305-326-9799.

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