Community News

16th Anniversary Second Chance Brunch Hosted by The Jack Brewer Foundation

By April 25, 2022 No Comments

Our team gratefully attended the 16th Anniversary Second Chance Brunch Hosted by The Jack Brewer Foundation and Sponsored by the GEO Group, Inc. Former NFL team captain, philanthropist and ambassador Jack Brewer works closely with The Geo Group, Inc. (within the prison system) helping to give second chances to incarcerated men and women. During this event, a panel of six recently incarcerated gentlemen gave testimony on how Mr. Brewer and the GEO group played a major part in them changing their lives in a way that has helped them to become productive citizens with meaningful careers and successful businesses. The Jack Brewer Foundation currently supports programs in Africa, the Caribbean, Central America, India, China, and the United States. JBF Worldwide is a volunteer-based organization that was founded on the belief that influencers could come together to help solve many of the issues surrounding extreme poverty.

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